Tuesday, 27 March 2012


So I got the placement for Italy! And I leave the UK on 16th April.

I'll be there for 3 months in total, and recently purchased "Italian for Dummies"- I was advised to learn some Italian but they stated it wasn't mandatory. I'm not a dummy but if dummies can learn it I'm sure I can, I'm extremely passionate about languages so looking forward to getting stuck in.

I have a lot to sort out, but my new passport and EHIC card arrived last week so that was a massive relief. I still need to buy stuff such as smart clothes and sun cream...I have bought a few things so far including a beautiful sketchbook from Paperchase. I plan on using it as a scrap book to keep my memories and achievements in for me to one day look at and reflect on myself. It's something I enjoy and is always good to evaluate yourself.

The placement is in graphic design but I have a surface design degree. Both areas do link in many ways, but obviously I won't have as much knowledge as a graphic design student has in that area, so I'm hoping that I will get along well with the structure. But I will learn anyway.

I'm feeling quite nervous, in a way I feel the same way I did when I first started University. I'm not moving out this time, but I'll be in another country, sharing a bedroom with up to 3 strangers. This is big but I can do it. I am finding this unsettling but also exciting, I enjoy meeting new people. I'm hoping that my belongings will be safe, I have recently bought a few things to take with me that are the best for creative work and I don't want to lose them. I suppose the others are on the same boat though, so I'm trying to relax for now.

I've met a lot of interesting people lately and a lot of things have happened that I wasn't expecting, but that's life. I know that when I return in July it will be even more so.

I'm sorry there's no images in this post, I'm going to update my blog (and scrapbook) as often as I can when in Italy. I'll have lots of images too, bought a new memory card for my Canon!

Ciao :)

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